The Sunrise of the Seismograph

 The seismograph. Where come from? was it invented by Mr. White Richman, Victorian rich guy, philanthropist, and inventor? No, in fact the seismograph can trace its lineage all the way back to the the seismoscopes of old, built by Zhang Heng around the year 100 ce in the han dynasty.

I'm here with Zhang Heng, inventor and Smart-man, in the year 100 ce. "Mr. Heng, how does your machine work?" " Well, if you must know, there are 8 dragon heads with balls in their mouths, and when there are tremors the balls fall out and into the frogs mouths, making a very loud sound.". "But you probably want to, what does this have to do with anything? well, the loud noise made by the frogs alerts people to tremors.". Well that is interesting. but also important. all I need to do is hear the frogs and I will know if there is an earthquake

"But that's not all" Said Zhang Heng, "lets go hunting for earthquakes, to study them!". "I don't know"  pondered. "I don't think I want to go toward the giant deadly earth cracks. "Your loss" he said, " I doubt anyone will ever get hurt by those things. they're harmless."  I decided I should get out of there before he starts foreshadowing excessively.

"Well then Magic toaster, it seems it is due time to move on with our adventure. but I don't want to forget anything. I should write this stuff down, I should pick myself up some paper!"


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