The creation of the Crossbow

I have always been fascinated with military history. and have always wondered what it was like all the way back then, back in Han dynasty China, back in 200 BCE. Perhaps, with a little tinkering my magic toaster can launch me all the way back in time to see what the invention of the crossbow was like, but first, maybe I should learn about the crossbow, less I go to the wrong time.

The crossbow first originated in Europe and China around the 5th-7th century BCE, around the time of the warring states and Han dynasty. This is around the time where army's of half crossbowmen were common. A cheap, light, effective and deadly weapon, it made sense to outfit large armies with mostly crossbows. The fact that it was made from either metal, or the far more common wood. this ensured it was cheap, and mass producible. And now that I have some background info, its time to toast, to the year 200 BCE

Right now I'm in the year 700 BCE with a mister Ch'in, inventor and foremost expert on the crossbow. lets see how he does it. "First, lets start with the bow." he says. "we need to start by mounting the bow horizontally to this stock." He went on to explain how to attach the bow to the stock, and interleaving the string of the bow with the trigger mechanism. "Finally, we pull back the string and load an arrow." lastly, In a grand finale to his demonstration, he picks up the crossbow, and... He hands it to me? *does he have a death wish?* I point it at the straw dummy he set up, and I miss. I reload and re aim in under a minute, and miss again. maybe I'm not fit for this era. perhaps I should move to another profession?

I do love the water, fishing, swimming, and maybe even a cruise. I wonder what it was like, when the rudder was invented?
